Castle Malting® Château Biscuit®
Brewing Values
Origin: BEL
Castle Malting®
Castle Malting® Château Biscuit® malt produces a distinctive "toasty" finish in beer with a warm bread and biscuity aroma and flavour. Expect a light to medium warm brown colour of the mash. As a lightly torrefied malt, Château Biscuit® contains no enzymes so must be mashed with diastatic malts.
Use: All special beers, as well as English ales, brown ales and porters.
Rate: Up to 25%.
Usage guide for Castle Malting® Château Biscuit® malt on Castle Malting® YouTube Channel.
Use: All special beers, as well as English ales, brown ales and porters.
Rate: Up to 25%.
Usage guide for Castle Malting® Château Biscuit® malt on Castle Malting® YouTube Channel.
Usage Guide
Low Alcohol Beer Webinar Monday 13th January at 4PM
Your essential guide to brewing Low and No Alcohol beer.
Get the best out of Lallemand LalBrew® LoNa™ to craft low and no alcohol beers to expand your core range to cater for all customers.
Free webinar at 4PM Monday 13th January with Q&A session, register here.