Two centuries of malting heritage and a trusted partner and supplier to the world’s leading breweries and distillers. Working with the UK’s best barley growers to provide quality barley for quality malt.
Beginning as a family brewery and maltings business in 1823, Bairds Malt has grown from its roots in Scotland to become an international supplier to breweries and distilleries throughout the world. What has remained consistent in those 200 years is an unwavering commitment to quality malt as the backbone of any great beer.
Bairds is a member of the UK Assured Malt Scheme which guarantees quality and provenance. All Bairds barley is sourced exclusively from UK growers. Their dedication to provenance extends to an in-house grain trading business which builds on the established relationships between local farms and each of their maltings. The ethos of putting faces to names runs strongly throughout everything they do, allowing them to trace their barley from farm to the final beer.
Bairds Malt holds the proud record of having made the most recent malting plant investments in the UK, with the redevelopment of their Clova facility in Abroath and the creation of a brand new state of the art maltings plant in Inverness. With a personal history in brewing, this is a company which holds the brewing industry in their hearts, and truly understands what you as a brewer need from your malt.
Want to know more? Buy Bairds Malt on our web shop or call or email to find out what Bairds Malt can do for your craft beer.
BarthHaas® SPECTRUM flowable liquid hop product is now in stock, as well as several awesome BarthHaas® HPA Crop 24 T90 pellets, PLUS BarthHaas® HopAid Antifoam, Flex® bittering hop product, & HopHaze®.
Check them out at the link below.